Moody Mondays ?

Every Monday morning I wake up to the dread that here another week brings the beginning of the onset of the same routine that awaits me. “Wake up”, “get dressed” maybe if lucky get a quick breakfast and the much needed caffeine intake that keep me awake, if not for the day then at least for the morning 8 am lecture where my droopy eyes don’t give away how I am not consciously reflecting upon the microscopic choices of the individuals affecting the geopolitical dynamics. Rather, i wish to snuggle up into the comforter that awaits in my bed. Getting in the train- where I see college students, office rushing ladies,hanging men chanting songs,mantras maybe energising themselves to the day ahead. In the train there’s constant motion from people hanging on to even the tiniest space at the edge of the seat meant for 26 but occupied by 30.Some are catching up on sleep while others trying to reserve a seating arrangement for the next station – a negotiation worth noting down. Others may be streaming upon the series- probably to not be out of the innuendos or pop cultural references colleagues or friends make. While music is blaring in my ears as yet another way to keep me up, scrolling through numerous feeds switching between Instagram, Facebook, Snaps sent showing the wild weekend friends, families,acquaintances or better celebrities have had-parties, spontaneous treks, screening of award shows,Netflex-ing with the significant other, Wine tasting at sula, twinning and winning, the numerous bags through shopping at discounted prices in the stores you wouldn’t set a foot in otherwise or the ever famous zindagi na milegi dobara-esque trip with the gang. To not take away from the ever favourite adjective assigned to the begging of the week, the Monday blues there would be in flow of pictures, texts, bitmojis of how blue monday truly is or to get away from the monday blue, a throwback to the time in backwaters where the monday wasn’t as blue.To all those who are constant receivers of my snap or followers of my instagram I am guilty of all the above, maybe in a way reiterating my life more often than not how maybe my monday is more blue than the rest. Just the way an earnest consumer of the digital world is expected to be. Thriving on their income by the constant reiteration of how my life is not how it should be and the mindless scrolling chips in to put forth more pictures, check-ins and to do lists out of the sheer conviction to have comments that show others being envious or in awe of you.

So here I am tired of this phrase of a blue monday of how mundane routines are or of the constant voice within my head that tells me how mundane my monday or life is. Yes waking up early for an 8 am lecture isn’t the easiest thing when you have to take a 6:45 am train ( shouldn’t complain as I have classmates who have trains way earlier) and caffeine may always not wake me up considering just how chilly the morning is and how warm my comforter feels and, yes, the day ahead may have me cowering away from possibly the results of a halfassed assignments I wrote thanks to my special talent called procrastination or the possibility of coming across classmates whos

e ideologies are constantly at loggerheads with mine, or the disapproving looks of the professor for not having the most relevant argument in class. But this Monday and the next and hereafter I want to give it the chance – possibility of it being as good as the Monday I had when I went to an amusement park and sat on the most thrilling rides- maybe a Monday where I would try out mulberry and strawberry smoothie and love it, a Monday where maybe have the cute guy catch my attention and have an interesting conversation with him, a Monday where I will get the malad fast train I haven’t caught up in eons. A monday where my writing might amuse or strike a chord with somebody, a monday where I go for the run i have been meaning to for all the mondays that have gone by and have a laugh bout my stamina with friends who seem to have crossed miles in minutes. A monday where I get to karaoke on all songs from 2000s and make them moves like fitness marshall. So here’s to all the paradoxes of monday and the possibility of each of this monday as the reality. This monday I am not going to be blue- maybe it’s time to give Monday a spectrum of colours and gradients of those to choose from. So I am going to take this Monday like Bertie Botts Every Flavour bean- you don’t know which one you are going to get – the earwax , salmon, sardine, cinnamon or rotten egg but you try it anyway hoping for it to be a nice toffee. Maybe even start a tag with Monday, From throwback thursdays to thank god its friday. Have a Monday/Okay not my creative best but guys do let know if you have any good suggestions for Monday phrase and do let me know how your Monday went? Even a favourite Monday memory maybe?

lost of love- thatdorkygirl

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